About The Program

High-velocity, transactional sellers are under intense pressure to sell value, not price. Buyers are smarter than ever before, so they’re knowledgeable about their requirements and their options—and the price they think they should pay.

Getting beyond the price requires getting out of the commodity price-driven conversations and using Decision Science to get to the heart of how and why your prospects and customers make their buying decisions. Your high-velocity sellers need to stay focused on business value, instead of having to defend their price in procurement departments.

Only with Corporate Visions will your high-velocity sellers acquire the necessary skills to do just that. In Capture Value for High-Velocity Sellers, your sellers will learn how to expand the customer’s perception of the value of your solutions, resulting in less discounting and larger deal sizes. They will also learn how to manage the natural tension in negotiations, and use negotiation skills to craft better, more profitable agreements.

Throughout this training, your reps will learn and practice the specific skills to negotiate and claim a premium price more effectively.

Delivering This Program

Get ready for an upcoming virtual event with helpful resources that explain the process.