About The Program

Get the maximum return on your sales leadership.

Frontline sales managers are vital to the success of every sales organization—but they’re often under-prepared to lead effectively.

It’s common for sales managers to be overwhelmed by multiple demands, often resorting to firefighting, intervening directly to get deals closed, or over-focusing on a handful of underperformers. This reactive approach eclipses strategic planning, leading to inconsistent sales results.

Your best sellers don’t automatically become great sales managers. Building a high-performing team requires a very different skillset than winning deals. They need to learn how to leverage their teams.

Only with Corporate Visions will your sales managers develop a research-backed, structured approach that ensures they are maximizing the return on their leadership activities. In Master Sales Leadership your sales managers will learn how to amplify team performance and optimize revenue management.

Throughout this training, your sales managers will learn science-backed approaches and techniques to take control of their time, plan strategically for long-term revenue growth, and continually improve team skills and performance. They’ll take away the tools and resources they need to put those approaches into practice. All of that is locked into an easy-to-execute monthly leadership cadence they can run with their teams immediately.

Delivering This Program

Prepare for a successful in-person workshop with these step-by-step logistics tools.

Get ready for an upcoming virtual event with helpful resources that explain the process.

Learn what’s needed to deliver an inline training program with this detailed guide.