These 4 event defining elements are necessary to secure a virtual workshop.
DATES: Exact delivery date(s)
Participants should plan to put aside two full days to attend this virtual workshop, just as you would attend an in-person workshop. There will be regular breaks and lunch, but please plan for two full days.
TIMES: Exact start and end time on each day
Recommended workshop start and end time is 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Please contact your CVI Customer Engagement Manager if you would like to customize your start and end times.
TIME ZONE: Where most participants will be located
PLATFORM: Zoom™, hosted by CVI. If you are unable to use Zoom™ or must host the meeting, please notify your CVI Customer Engagement Manager immediately.
Should this information change, please alert your CVI Customer Engagement Manager!
Contact Your CVI Customer Engagement Manager to schedule a call.
Your participants should download their course workbook and planners in advance of the workshop. They can either use these tools electronically or print copies to use during the virtual session. To use these documents the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed. Download a free version here.
Your CVI Customer Engagement Manager will send you an email with the online enrollment key to access the downloadable materials. Please send the instructions to participants one week prior to your event.
- Ask participants to login 10 minutes early so we can begin on time. We have a full agenda!
- Participants should be prepared to be on camera throughout the day.
- Workshop starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. each day unless otherwise discussed with your CVI Customer Engagement Manager.
- Participants will get ample breaks to stretch their legs and use the restroom.