sales rep introduction

COORDINATOR: It’s important to create awareness for your Win-Loss Analysis program with your sales reps. Since you’re collecting buyer feedback from your reps’ opportunities, you’ll want to ensure they understand the intention and process of Win-Loss Analysis. Before launching your program, send the following email template to your sales reps and attach the “Intro to Sales” training deck provided by your CSM.


Subject line: Win-Loss Analysis for your opportunities


Hi team,

We’re launching an exciting new initiative to help you win more opportunities: Win-Loss Analysis.

We’ll be collecting buyer feedback on your wins, losses, and no decisions and analyzing this feedback to help you understand why you win and lose opportunities – according to your buyers! With this new insight, we’ll be able to work together to improve your win rates and confidence when selling.

This exploration into your opportunity outcomes will also uncover competitive strengths and weaknesses, so you can sell confidently against competitors on future deals.

Please complete the attached training by [date]. We hope to go live by [date].

If you have any questions, please let me know.
