About The Program

When high-velocity sellers talk with prospects, they often start with features and benefits – which leads straight to a commodity conversation.

Instead, they need to create enough value in the mind’s eye of your prospects that they see the need to leave their status quo situation and choose you.

Only with Corporate Visions will your high-velocity sellers acquire the necessary skills to do just that. In Create Value for High-Velocity Sellers, your reps will learn how to tell two key stories: “Why Change” and “Why You.” First, they’ll learn how to disrupt your prospect’s status quo and get them to see the need to change. Then they’ll learn how to highlight your differentiation, so prospects choose to buy from you.

Throughout this training, your reps will learn the specific conversational techniques—grabbers and storytelling—that build their confidence and their ability to create more engaging and persuasive conversations.

Delivering This Program

Prepare for a successful in-person workshop with these step-by-step logistics tools.

Get ready for an upcoming virtual event with helpful resources that explain the process.

Learn what’s needed to deliver an inline training program with this detailed guide.